
If a page takes more than 3 seconds to load more than 50% of your users will leave, according to Google research

Web development

When developing a website, you are writing for two audiences; the human accessing the content and the technology used to access the content. Therefore it is important to write accessible, user-friendly, responsive, structured websites that has the correct content and metadata.

Web services

Web service is a framework for a conversation between two devices. These computers are communicating over the Web. A device sends request over the Internet or app and a server receives that request, processes it and returns a web service response. E.g. web page, chat, etc.

Web application

What does social media apps, latest news feeds, searching for travel deals or watching live streaming shows have in common? They are pulling information using web applications. Web applications makes our lives easier and in some cases, helps us connect with the world.

Web security

Cross-Site Scripting attacks are a type of injection, in which malicious scripts are injected into otherwise benign and trusted web sites. But what does that mean in practice? It means that since the browser executes JavaScript, the attacker is trying to get their own JavaScript to run with the execution of the rest of the page.

Web design

A web designer's job is to use all the tools at our disposal to make the best, most engaging, usable web and apps. We creating designs that respond to various screen sizes. We also create designs that works for the 20% of the world's population with a disability. Finally, we use typography to bring our designs to life.

Web hosting

The most important thing to consider when choosing a web host is does the platform support the technology used to develop your website also known as the operating system. Other things to consider are security, performance, location, fire protection, emergency backup capabilities, 24/7 support and uptime percentage.


Frameworks are made up of both prescribed patterns to structure and organize your code and pre-built, pretested components that you can use to shorten your development time and to aid in code organization.

We have realized that choosing a framework is probably one of the most important decisions you will make about your application.

It's going to determine how long it takes to develop different aspects of your app. It will determine how well you can have multiple developers working on the same code base, and it will determine ultimately how you're going to code your app.
